If you do not have a Payoneer account you can make one for free here
Payments through Payoneer are reviewed manually. It can take up to 24 hours to review your payment and receive your order.
- During checkout choose Payoneer as the Payment Method

2. Now log into your Payoneer account and go to Pay > Pay to a recipient’s Payoneer account. You can also click on the payment link and it should take you to the same page.

3. On Recipient details make sure to write correctly our email payoneer@gamestrikestore.com

4. Select USD, EUR, or GBP. On Purpose of payment you’ll need to write your name; the same one you wrote on the checkout fields. Then click Review

5. Review the details and make sure that the email and the amount are correct. Then click the checkbox I confirm the payment details above and then click Pay

6. Take a screenshot of the payment confirmation and save it on your PC, we might ask for it later.

7. Go back to Gamestrike checkout page and fill out the form. Write your PAYONEER email and the TRANSACTION ID of the payment. Then click Place Order

8. Now you will have to wait for us to review the payment manually and then we will send your order in no longer than 24 hours (in rare cases it can take more than 24 hours).