Banking details

Only use this payment method to top-up your Gamestrike Wallet balance. DO NOT pay for your product using a bank transfer.

We use Wise to receive all our bank transfers. All transactions take between 1 to 5 business days to arrive, and are reviewed manually.

Steps to do your bank transfer correctly:

  1. Choose your currency
  2. Copy and paste the banking details
  3. Make the bank transfer
  4. Take a screenshot of the successful transaction.
  5. Send the screenshot to – Without this email we will not know that it was you who sent the funds and therefore they will not be added to your account until we receive your email.
    • Email subject: Your name – Amount sent – Currency (e.g. Erick Navarro – 50 – USD )
    • Email body: Full name, Amount sent, currency, the day when you sent it, and your Gamestrike email account.
    • Email attachments: Screenshot of the successful transaction
  6. Once we receive the funds we will add the balance to your wallet.

Choose the currency in which you want to make the bank transfer

USD (United States Dolar)

Send USD from bank accounts within the United States. ACH and Wire transfers are supported. ACH has no extra fee charged. Wire transfers have a 4,14 USD fee for every transaction.

Name: Erick Josue Navaro Arroyo
Routing Number: 084009519
Account Number: 9600006637881124
Account type: Current
Wise Address: 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor New York NY 10010 United States
Bank Name: Evolve Bank and Trust
Bank Address: 6070 Poplar Ave suite 200 Memphis TN 38119 United States

EUR (Euro)

Send EUR from bank accounts within EU and SEPA.

Name: Erick Josue Navaro Arroyo
IBAN: BE69 9674 4572 6278
Wise Address: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52 Brussels 1050 Belgium

AUD (Australian Dolar)

Send AUD from bank accounts within Australia.

Name: Erick Josue Navaro Arroyo
BSB Code: 802-985
Account Number: 117661377
Wise Address: 36-38 Gipps Street Collingwood 3066 Australia
Bank Name: Moneytech
Bank Address: Level 6, 97 Pacific Hwy Sydney 2060 Australia

GBP (British Pound)

Send GBP from bank accounts within the United Kingdom.

Name: Erick Josue Navaro Arroyo
Branch Code: 23-14-70
Account Number: 56489960
IBAN: GB45 TRWI 2314 7056 4899 60
Bank Name: Wise
Wise Address: 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom

CAD (Canadian Dolar)

Send CAD from bank accounts within Canada.

Name: Erick Josue Navaro Arroyo
Institution number: 621
Account number: 200110416495
Transit number: 16001
Wise Address: 99 Bank Street, Suite 1420 Ottawa ON K1P 1H4 Canada
Bank name: Peoples Trust
Bank Address: 595 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V7X 1L7 Canada

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