When will my order be delivered?
Click here to return to the previous page Depending on the product you can receive it immediately or within 24 hours after payment confirmation. To find out…
My order was marked as completed but I did not receive my product
Click here to return to the previous page Your order won’t be marked as completed if we do not send you an email with your product. Before…
How do I redeem a key on Steam?
Click here to return to the previous page Please follow these instructions to activate a new retail purchase on Steam: Launch the Steam client software and log…
How do I register a new account?
Click here to return to the previous page Go to www.gamestrikestore.com and click on the Log in button, then click the Register Now! button. You can also register…
How do I log in?
Click here to return to the previous page Go to www.gamestrikestore.com and click the Log in button. Then enter your username or email address and password. You…
I forgot my password, how do I change it?
If you have forgotten your login password, click the login button at www.gamestrikestore.com and then click on Forgot password? or click here and type your username or…
How do I change my password?
In order to change your user password, you must first log in at www.gamestrikestore.com. You can change your password in the Account Details section. If you don’t remember your…